our mission
As a non-profit in Lake County, LCRAI's mission
is to be a catalyst for arts and culture as a driving force in Lake County's economic development and cultural enrichment (important to everyone, especially our children).
our children
Supporting their future success by bringing the arts back into education.
Art education increases test scores across every subject area, lowers dropout rates and closes the achievement gap regardless of socio-economic status. Most importantly, is it the basis for developing the #1 attribute sought by today’s and future employers, innovation and creativity.
LCRAI is partnering with the LC schools to help fund the expanded arts program the schools want and need; utilizing art teachers, local artists and combining the arts with more traditional subjects.

our economy
Supporting economic success by making Lake County an Arts Destination
Arts and culture has been proven to create economic success thru tourism and relocation by bringing revenue, jobs and attracting new “citizens”.
LCRAI will partner with our community and our bountiful, beautiful resources to promote & brand Lake County as an arts & culture destination. We will work to support and fund current and new arts spaces & studios; create a strong accessible arts community with “map” and directory, build economic clusters (“hiveries” – cultural/arts facilities linked with local businesses) and create unique arts instillations (i.e., the mural trail) and arts celebrations e.g., art & film festivals.